How To - General Garden

Build & improve your soil
Great soil is a gardener's best friend. Hidden below ground level, it's too often forgotten, until you wonder why your plants are failing to thrive! The answer lies in organic matter
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Grow crops in pots
Who doesn't love the idea of eating fresh homegrown fruit and vegetables every day? Anyone can make it happen, even when there's no dirt to dig. If your outdoors is tiny or temporary (or if the prospect of digging is putting you off getting started) growing crops in pots is the way to go, especially in winter.
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Grow under cover
Spot a backyard greenhouse and you could be forgiven for imagining a resident 'expert' or 'plant-nut'. But these days, greenhouses aren't just for diehard gardeners. They're for anybody - from novice to expert - whatever the climate.
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Save water
Sally Brown from Blueskin Nurseries in Dunedin has some tips to save water in light of the weather extremes New Zealand is experiencing.
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Garden in winter
The last summer's crops have been picked and the veges we planted in autumn are looking good. Much of the garden will soon be sleeping but that doesn't mean we have to hibernate indoors
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When less is more
As the leaves drop from the trees it's time to reach for the pruning tools.
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Go organic
Eight strategies towards a healthy spray-free garden.
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Lay mulch
A mulch is a layer of material spread on the soil surface. Useful in any part of the garden, mulching can save a great deal of time and energy.
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Make compost
A good composting system will consume all your garden debris and food scraps, rewarding you with one of nature's most fundamental allies. Compost feeds your soil, which in turn feeds your plants.
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Upward trends - create a vertical garden
When ground space gets scare, gardens go vertical!
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