Plants for . . .

The Invincibles
In winter, more than at any other time of year, indoor plants are worth their weight in gold. Shorter daylight hours mean we spend more of our time indoors, sometimes only seeing our gardens on weekends. These easy-care plants breathe life and sparkle into winter rooms.
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10 colourful winter shrubs to plant
The winter garden can be surprisingly colourful - here's ten of the best shrubs for winter interest
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25 fabulous shrubs for small gardens
Planting evergreen shrubs is one of the easiest ways to achieve a low maintenance garden that looks great all year round.
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7 ways to grow apples in a small garden
The fresher the fruit, the crunchier, sweeter and more nutritious it is. The best way to eat an apple is straight from the tree. Autumn is harvest time and it's also the very best time to plant a new apple tree.
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Colour in the winter garden
Proteas and their cousins Leucadendrons, Leucospermums, and Grevilleas are valuable shrubs in a winter garden when there is little other colour.
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Flowering annuals for autumn and winter
Autumn, when rains fall on soil that still holds summer's warmth, is generally a great time for planting. Flowering annuals can establish their roots in readiness for winter and spring flowering.
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Fruit in small spaces
Stepping outdoors to pick fresh home-grown fruit is something every gardener deserves to do. With a bit of planning, even a tiny, inner city courtyard can accommodate a good range of delectable edibles.
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Little hedges
There is nothing like a neat little hedge to bring a beautiful a garden into sharp focus. And there is nothing like classic English box to do the job. Or is there?
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Plant for birds
Next time you're choosing plants for your garden, spare a thought for our feathered friends. The rewards are numerous
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Plants for indoors
There's nothing like a festive home environment to keep spirits high during the busy build up to Christmas.
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Providing nectar for butterflies in Winter
What flowers in winter to provide nectar for our butterflies?
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Super slim apples
Being able to pick fresh fruit from the garden is one of the greatest joys a gardener can have. But for many of us, it's not so easy to grow the fruit trees we grew up with - not for lack of experience or knowhow, but for sheer lack of space - Not any more!
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Trees and shrubs for winter colour
Whether you live in the subtropical north, the snowy south or somewhere in between, planting a garden with winter in mind can turn the chilly season into a time of great delight.
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Informally yours
Who says hedges need to be formal? Try a fragrant and informal flowering hedge and do away with the need for constant clipping. These beauties are easy on the eye and easy on the gardener!
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Let's talk tomatoes
Pearls of wisdom from experienced Kiwi gardeners
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Natural glow
Yellow flowers abound, especially in spring. Even if it's just a potful to welcome the season, they're a sure way to inject the feel good factor, indoors and out.
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Spring in bloom
Spring is the season for some of our most spectacular flowering trees, all the more beautiful when they flower on bare branches or in unison with newly emerging spring leaves. Best of all, you don't need a huge garden to enjoy them
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Stars of Spring
Every garden deserves at least one showy flowering tree or shrub to welcome the new season. If the flowering of some seems all too brief, generally the shorter the season, the more spectacular the display.
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Coastal colour, planting by the sea
Gardens close to the ocean enjoy the advantage of a balmy frost-free climate. But coastal gardening is not without its challenges. The soil can be less than ideal, and worse, there's that punishing salt laden wind.
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Fast fabulous colour
Whether you like the eclectic look with a mix of vibrant hues, or a simple colour coordinated approach, there are dozens of fast and easy ways to make your garden say 'spring'.
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Heat hardy
All plants are not equal when it comes to enduring hot and sometimes dry summer conditions.
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High flyers in the dry
With water conservation on our minds in the post-Christmas months, it's nice to know there are some stunning plants that will stand up to drier, hotter weather conditions and still look sensational.
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Plants for perfume
Nothing lifts the spirits like a waft of garden fragrance. Spring produces some of the most bewitching perfumes of all, as if to lure us back outdoors and celebrate the change of seasons.
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Plants for summer pots
As summer rolls in it's time to brighten outdoor living areas and there's no simpler way to create a welcoming alfresco sanctuary than filling some well placed pots with your favourite flowers and foliage.
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Pot Perfect
There is a wealth of choice for summer pots and baskets. Green fingers are not required for an impressive display that continues right through summer till the first frost.
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Safe swan plants for spring Monarchs
Here's a few tips to help newcomers to raise successful butterflies
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Invisible, yet alluring and evocative of days gone by, fragrance is a must-have in any garden.
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Summer Baskets
Today's huge choice of fast growing, incredibly free flowering plants make it easy to create an impressive display that continues right through summer
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Summer fragrance
Summer is a time to enjoy some of our most beautiful fragrant plants. Here's a selection of summer scented favourites.
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Summer's hottest climbers
Any empty fence, wall or pergola is the gardener's equivalent of a blank canvas. Even when the available vertical space is taken, there's always a way to make more
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Autumn gold
As befitting a grand finale, the colour dial turns full volume at summer's end. Plant these time-honoured treasures to add to the richness of your late summer garden.
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Backyard buffet
Planting a garden to provide food and safe nesting places for wild birds will enhance the garden for all who live there.
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Bringing the outdoors in
While the days are short we can still enjoy the heartwarming effect of flowers and foliage long after the sun has gone down, simply by bringing a bit of nature indoors.
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Easy spring colour
Autumn brings with it the delight of planning a colourful display of spring flowering bulbs. Some of the earliest bulbs to arrive on the shelves are the two treasures Anemones and Ranunculus.
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The colours of autumn
Coneflowers thrive in the balmy conditions of late summer and autumn, providing a wonderful food source for foraging pollinators storing energy for winter.
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19 exceptional foliage plants
Shiny or mat, lacy or bold, big or small, dark forest, rich purple or bright chartreuse - the layering of foliage in different colours textures and leaf shapes makes for a stunning all-season garden.
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An audience with The Queen
The latest royal lavender in a distinguished series of exceptional performers will be courting attention in garden centres this spring.
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Banksia's for birdlife
The sight and sound of birds in the garden lifts the spirits and soothes the soul. Studies show that birdsong can even increase your property value.
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Bee friendly
As gardeners, there is much we can for the good of our planet. Sarah Thornton meets a gardener who's championing the cause to help our bees.
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Bee plants for gardens
Much of the best food we eat is pollinated by bees. Unfortunately, with loss of habitat and the increasing use of pesticides, the world's bees are at risk. As gardeners, we can play a part in helping their survival.
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Container creations
Brightening the scene with instant pops of colour in pots and hanging baskets is a time-honoured exterior decorating trick. Flowers are a popular choice for spring, but exciting colour opportunities are also found in foliage.
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Whether home is an apartment, retirement unit or town house, Heuchera 'Cuties' fit perfectly into a smaller garden.
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Green on green
Hostas are among the most adored foliage plants for shady parts of the garden. They look magnificent when mass planted under trees, in pots or garden beds on the shady side of the house.
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Grow beautiful roses
There are no secrets behind growing the worlds most loved flowers. Think sunshine and good soil at planting time, then follow the basics and your roses will reward you with their most beautiful best.
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Hot plants for dry places
More than ever we're facing extremes of wet and dry weather and long spells without rain. We need to factor this into the way we garden, and what we plant
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Houseplants for giving
Excellent value for money and lasting much longer than fresh flowers, a beautiful flowering plant is a timeless, never fail gift for any occasion.
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Jewels of the garden
There are not many more forgiving or versatile plants than Grevilleas. With bold, colourful and somewhat bizarre flowers, they stand out in the garden.
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Keep calm and box on!
Adversity! We have had a lot it seems. With dire drought predictions, those looking for a hard wearing hedge may want to consider a colourful alternative to the traditional box hedge.
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Living the dream
Introducing Dreamerias, ultra easy blooms bred for modern lifestyles, but with the look and feel of yesteryear.
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More colour, less fuss
Nothing says spring like a garden full of flowers. Keeping up the colour right through spring, summer and autumn is easy to achieve with so many long flowering modern hybrids at our disposal.
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Out of Africa
For decades, we've been charmed by their colours and forms, but lately there's been something of a protea renaissance - and an influx of exciting new varieties.
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Planting a future proof garden
Long-lived trees, shrubs and ground covers are essential ingredients in a climate resilient garden that's easy care and easy on the planet.
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Plants for paving
Whether it's the track to the front door, a meander through trees and shrubs, a pathway through the vege beds, or the way to the clothes line, any path and the plants to accompany it can be one of the most enticing features in a garden.
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Prize winning performance
A shipshape little shrub known as Grey Box Westringia has become a top seller, popular with home gardeners and landscapers alike.
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Shade dwellers
A shady patch of soil, on the cool side of the house, under trees or along a south facing wall, is an opportunity to grow some of our most beautiful plants.
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Shade stars
The shadier parts of a garden can be challenging. But they also present an opportunity to create something of subtle beauty and sophistication - a cool revitalising space to retreat to on hot summer days.
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Simply striking
Structure, movement, excitement, and colour. 'Electric' Cordylines have all the hallmarks of a first class landscaping plant. And they're fantastic in pots.
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So cool Salvias
There's not much we can do to control the mercury when it comes to Summer's heat, but we can certainly tame the colours in the garden to provide a soothing and cooling palette that's restful to the eye.
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Solving a slope
Once the challenges are overcome a successfully planted slope can be a thing of great beauty, enhancing the environment while requiring little in the way of maintenance.
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Summer fruit
Plant a range of fruiting plants to keep the family fruit bowl full all summer
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The remarkable Sunseeker Echinaceas are a new range of coneflowers bred fro exceptional flowering on sturdy stems.
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The first scent of spring
Venturing outdoors for some fresh air, the heady fragrance of daphne heralds a welcome change in seasons.
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Tuff as they come
Lomandra 'Lime Tuff' is the latest in a new generation of easy care landscape plants bred in Australia. This is one import from our cousins across the ditch we should be happy to keep!
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Walls and floors
When creating an outdoor space that's as easy to live in as it is easy on the eye, we need plants that are both practical and pretty. It's no coincidence that native plants are highly rated among garden designers
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Winter giving
Whether it's something for Mum, a birthday treat or a simple gift to raise winter spirits, no gift delights a gardener more than a gorgeous plant for home and garden.
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Within limits
So often in gardening, as with other art forms, constraint begets creativity. Add a good measure of horticultural prowess and the results can be astounding, as Sue Linn finds in a beautiful Central Otago garden.
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Backyard bounty
Autumn is the very best time to plant fruit trees
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Bringing in the Copper butterflies
Copper butterflies are not often seen in gardens because we're not planting their favourite foods. Let's bring them back!
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Ready set grow!
A beginner's guide to growing summer vegetables.
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The magic of nectar
I didn't know much about nectar for butterflies when, early in 2007, we were invited to stage an exhibit of butterflies inside the Canterbury Museum. Sure I knew that butterflies (like bees) were sustained by nectar, but not much more.
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The modern romantics
Grandma's garden is back in vogue. Or is it? At first glance, today's top performing perennials may look like the romantic 'cottage garden' flowers of yesteryear, but looks can be deceiving
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Soil huggers
One of the best things we can do for our soil is to keep it covered, preferably with plants.
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