In the Garden - Autumn Gardening

Pansy perfection
Pansies and their smaller viola cousins, have kept up with the times as favourites among flowers that are easy to grow and deliver premium colour on tougher and tougher plants.
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Plant swan plant seeds early
This time of year is a great time to sow swan plant or milkweed seeds. There is still enough heat to encourage germination and your plants will have a chance to reach a reasonable size before the cold weather slows them down.
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Bulb time!
Autumn is planting time for flowering bulbs which light up the garden from earliest spring. We check in with a couple of experienced bulb growers for some timely tips and inspiration.
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The benefits of beetroot
Highly nutritious beetroot is well worth growing. Naturopath Meryn Wakelin shines the light on this underrated root crop and shares a chocolate cake recipe with a twist
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Zucchini pesto 'pasta'
If you can keep up with picking the best way to eat your zucchini is small and straight after harvest.
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A lawn to love
A long hot summer leaves most lawns looking worse for wear. It's time for some renovation that will soon have lawns looking loved again.
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Autumn is planting time
Warm soil and cooling air spell perfect growing conditions for almost everything in the garden. Make the most of mellow Autumn weather and get planting!
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Awesome Autumn
Autumn is a rewarding time in the vege garden with both harvesting and new planting to enjoy.
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Form and function
Autumn is planting time for the trees, shrubs and hedges that form the backbone of a garden and bring about the most comfortable and inviting of outdoor living spaces.
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Full of flavour
Easy-care feijoa trees produce bucket loads of healthy autumn and winter fruit - year after year.
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Go for green - autumn lawn tips
A smooth, rich green lawn can lift the look of the entire garden and is a surefire way to increase the value of your property but after a long hot summer many lawns are far from green.
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Green space
Create a backyard that's both family friendly and eco-friendly.
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Harvest time
Autumn is the season to celebrate nature's abundance. Whether we grow our own or visit the market while prices are low, it's time to make the most of a profusion of fruit and vegetables that can sustain us through the winter months.
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Home harvest apples
From March to May apple trees are laden with ripening fruit. It's time to get planning and planting. Fruit trees arrive in garden centres in autumn and early winter.
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Living walls
Beautiful hedges are key to year-round structure, dividing one garden room from the next and smartly defining the lines between lawns and garden beds.
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Love your lawn this autumn
A lovely lawn gives a feeling of peace and comfort. Autumn is a great time to give your lawn the love it deserves, and the very best time to create a lovely new lawn.
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Nature's planting time
With cool air and warm, rain-soaked soil that's easy to dig, autumn is a great time to be outside planting.
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Nature's planting time
For anyone who enjoys the creativity inherent in gardening, autumn is the season to relish. It's the ideal time to indulge in planting just about everything.
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Planting a winter garden
Getting seedlings in the ground early, while the soil is still warm enough for active growth, is the key to a productive winter vege patch.
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Reap what you sow!
Autumn in the vege garden - Summer's end brings no time for slacking, there's plenty to keep us busy in the autumn vege patch.
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Spring bulbs A to Z
Get busy planting bulbs in autumn, so come spring, you'll have beautiful flowers to enjoy outdoors, and some more to pick.
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Spring in a pot
There is nothing like a flourish of flowering bulbs to celebrate the arrival of spring. Such beauty is easy to create, especially when you plant your bulbs in pots.
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Top tasks for autumn
Autumn is planting time for almost everything you could want to plant, but it is the very best time to sow new lawns and to plant trees, and the only time to plant spring flowering bulbs.
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Cool weather classics
If you want something that lasts longer than a bunch of cut flowers, you can't beat a beautiful flowering cyclamen for the cooler months of the year.
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Fast and fabulous
A beginners guide to hardy annuals. What costs less than a takeaway coffee but will brighten your days for six months or more? A takeaway punnet of flowering annuals!
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Go nuts!
You may only have space for one kind of nut, but the good news is that nut trees give us more than just nuts. They also provide shade, shelter and beauty.
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Super fruit
Late autumn and winter is planting time for a wide range of fruit trees and bushes, espcecially deciduous ones which are best planted while they're dormant. If you fancy boosting your backyard harvest, now is the time to get planting.
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Winning combinations
Successfully combining flowers and foliage is an art form that takes time and experimentation, even for the most practiced gardener. But happily, we can also depend on some classic combos that always come up trumps.
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Kids Go Gardening - leaf art
Be inspired by the colours of autumn leaves and create your own artworks.
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Kids Go Gardening - seed sowing
Autumn is nature's time for seeds. When flowers finish blooming they leave behind their treasure.
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Kids Go Gardening - spring flowering bulbs
Everyone loves daffodils and tulips. But if you want to have them in your garden you have to plant them in autumn.
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