In the Garden - Problem Solving

Drought alert!
It's dry out there and your garden will be stressed. Here's 10 tips to help it get through.
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12 time savers for gardeners
A garden is a place to relax and unwind. If yours sometimes feels more like a chore, here are twelve ways you can make your garden less time consuming.
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Book - Garden Pest & Disease Control
With fewer options on the garden centre shelves for controlling pests and diseases, this book provides solutions for the home gardener by focusing on 'integrated control' using all the tools available.
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Pest watch
Slugs and snails must the most despicable garden pests. Sarah O'Neil considers her options.
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Beauty and the beasts
Despite being banned from sale for decades now, our most noxious weeds, once gardeners' treasures, remain rampant in nature and in our gardens.
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Greener giving
As Christmas shopping time rolls round again, concern for planet Earth is to the fore. Do we really want contribute to landfill with unwanted gifts? Most of us will have been guilty of imprudent, impulse purchasing in the mad dash before the big day, but even last minute gift giving doesn't have to be bad for the planet.
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