In the Garden - Edible Gardening

On home ground
When you want to grow your own food but don't have a large garden, it comes down to getting the most out of the space you have.
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Ready set grow!
A beginner's guide to growing summer vegetables.
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Home grown tomatoes
There is no denying the superior taste of a home grown tomato, and those who grow their own enjoy the most exciting smorgasbord of varieties.
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Let's talk tomatoes
Pearls of wisdom from experienced Kiwi gardeners
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Non-stop crops - the art of succession planting
For those who love to grow what they eat, the season of plenty has arrived. October is a huge month for planting a huge range of vegetable crops. Almost anything can go in the ground in spring.
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Survive and thrive!
As is right and proper in the excitement of spring, planting enthusiasm reaches heady heights and summer crops are well underway in gardens all round the country.
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The cook's garden
Fresh herbs picked fresh from the garden while you cook have the best flavour. Few plants give so much for so little.
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Harvest time
Autumn is the season to celebrate nature's abundance. Whether we grow our own or visit the market while prices are low, it's time to make the most of a profusion of fruit and vegetables that can sustain us through the winter months.
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