In the Garden - Trees, Shrubs & Vines

Beauty and abundance
Spring blossom, dappled shade, summer fruit, autumn colour and elegant form - the trees we know as Prunus have lots to offer.
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Growing azaleas and rhododendrons
Azaleas and Rhododendrons are versatile shrubs with dazzling displays of flowers from late winter to early summer, and a variety of foliage and growth forms.
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Trees and shrubs for all seasons
Gardens are ever changing. They surprise and delight every day of the year. We need plants that look good all year round, but a garden that looks basically the same all year is a missed opportunity.
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Green screens
Whether you need to screen the neighbours or take the edge off a chilling wind, a leafy wall of native foliage is a very attractive solution.
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Living art
When an evergreen shrub is sculpted into an interesting or architectural shape, it takes on the role of a garden statue, a focal point or accent amid the free flow forms of grasses or perennials.
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Form and function
Autumn is planting time for the trees, shrubs and hedges that form the backbone of a garden and bring about the most comfortable and inviting of outdoor living spaces.
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Nature's planting time
For anyone who enjoys the creativity inherent in gardening, autumn is the season to relish. It's the ideal time to indulge in planting just about everything.
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Top tasks for autumn
Autumn is planting time for almost everything you could want to plant, but it is the very best time to sow new lawns and to plant trees, and the only time to plant spring flowering bulbs.
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Beat the chill
Whether you live in the subtropical north, the snowy south or somewhere in between, planting a garden with winter in mind can turn the chilly season into a time of great delight.
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Fabulously fragrant
A perfumed garden is one of the great joys of spring time. These wonderful selections bred by renowned New Zealand plantsman Mark Jury will fill your spring spaces with enchanting flowers and intoxicating fragrance.
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Go nuts!
You may only have space for one kind of nut, but the good news is that nut trees give us more than just nuts. They also provide shade, shelter and beauty.
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Multi-talented camellias
They're like the roses of winter. There is no doubting the beauty of camellia flowers; their shapes, colours and perfumes. But in a world not short of spectacular blooms, camellias offer so much more
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Ten reasons to plant trees
On Arbor Day in June, New Zealanders are encouraged to plant and care for trees. Celebrate by getting involved in a community planting project or planting a tree of your own.
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Winter charm
Whether it's the view from your living room or a vase filled with flowers from your garden, winter is never dull when you plant some of these beauties.
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Absolutely fabulous foliage plants
Pacific Coprosmas are extraordinary foliage plants with that rare mixture of presence, dependability and fabulous looks
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Bright sparks
Contrasting textures of green on green is key to creating a fantastic all season garden. And adding a splash of variegated foliage is like turning the lights on, especially on dull winter days.
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Environmentally safe Agapanthus
Agapanthus are often looked on as a weedy plant but there are a new generation of agapanthus available that don't spread themselves around.
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Flax - Kiwi Icon
For the first New Zealanders it was indispensible; used in clothing, shelter, for catching and storing food, and as medicine. These days flax endures as one of our most important plants
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Pride & passion - New Zealand Christmas trees
Nothing may compare to the pohutukawa or rata tree at your favourite holiday spot, but we can all enjoy a touch of that crimson splendour at home in the garden.
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Princess Lavenders
The very best of breeding is bringing the wow factor to outdoor living spaces and lavenders are extending the gardener's design palette with new colours and textures.
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Tried and true Lavender
Easy care lavenders are among life's simplest pleasures and have stood the test of time as some of the most accommodating shrubs of all.
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Building a garden - layer upon layer
The dramatic effects of planting in layers - how to plan and plant a garden using the layered approach
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Trees for urban spaces
Long lived, climate tolerant trees and shrubs are key ingredients in a resilient, hardwearing garden that looks great all year round.
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