In the Garden - General Garden

Legionnaires' disease
Gardening is an enjoyable and healthy pastime. However each year a few gardeners contract legionnaires' disease. There are simple steps you can take to lessen the risk.
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National Gardening Week 21 to 28 October
DREAM BIG IN SMALL GARDENS Forget the quarter acre section. With just a patio or small balcony, you can still have a thriving food and flower garden. This National Gardening Week, think about embracing your small space.
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Nutrition on a shoestring
The very best food for health and well-being is the sort that grows in a garden. Food picked fresh from the garden contains the most nutrients and it's super convenient, saving time with fewer trips to the supermarket.
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On home ground
When you want to grow your own food but don't have a large garden, it comes down to getting the most out of the space you have.
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Soil builders
Beneath the garden lies a world of its own, a complex network of mineral particles (clay, silt and sand), air and water, and life! The more we nurture the workers that live in our soil, the better our gardens will grow.
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Spring time is feeding time
Spring brings warmer longer days and nature literally springs into life. Sap is flowing, buds have burst and seedlings leap into growth. All this activity needs fuel to keep it going.
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Be a sun smart gardener
Gardening is a healthy pursuit in so many ways, but it is also an outdoor pursuit. Sue Linn relates how she deals with her love of gardening and being safe in the sun
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Safer & healthier gardening
Gardening is one of the most popular leisure activities in New Zealand. It lets people enjoy nature and grow their own produce. However, despite its quiet, healthy image, there are some risks involved in gardening. This simple safety guide is designed to help you reduce these risks and get even more enjoyment from your garden.
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Above ground
Lifting a garden above ground level provides many benefits. From the plant's point of view, there is improved drainage and soil that warms up faster in spring. For the gardener, raised beds offer a more comfortable experience when planting, weeding and harvesting.
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Bringing nature indoors
Along with the retro revival of all things mid-century, houseplants are making a big comeback in fashionable living spaces worldwide. This all bodes well for happy, healthy homes
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Sun worshippers
Impatiens; they're a top choice for cheerful garden borders or adding bright pops of colour among shrubs and perennials. But they've always needed shade. That is, until SunPatiens came along!
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Good, green giving
A garden centre is just the place to escape the stress of Christmas shopping with a healthy refreshing environment that calms frazzled minds, and where there is a gift for just about anyone.
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Living gifts
Ten ideas for a greener Christmas
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12 time savers for gardeners
A garden is a place to relax and unwind. If yours sometimes feels more like a chore, here are twelve ways you can make your garden less time consuming.
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Adding value
Sarah Thornton investigates the the hidden fortune in our backyards
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Book - Garden Pest & Disease Control
With fewer options on the garden centre shelves for controlling pests and diseases, this book provides solutions for the home gardener by focusing on 'integrated control' using all the tools available.
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Building a garden - layer upon layer
The dramatic effects of planting in layers - how to plan and plant a garden using the layered approach
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Improving the root zone
Whether you have poor sandy soil, heavy clay or a lifeless patch of compacted over-cultivated ground, there is plenty you can do to improve it over time.
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Nature's way to a better world
Coming up with a workable composting system that fits your lifestyle will greatly reduce food waste and build better soil.
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Pest watch
Slugs and snails must the most despicable garden pests. Sarah O'Neil considers her options.
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Beauty and the beasts
Despite being banned from sale for decades now, our most noxious weeds, once gardeners' treasures, remain rampant in nature and in our gardens.
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Greener giving
As Christmas shopping time rolls round again, concern for planet Earth is to the fore. Do we really want contribute to landfill with unwanted gifts? Most of us will have been guilty of imprudent, impulse purchasing in the mad dash before the big day, but even last minute gift giving doesn't have to be bad for the planet.
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